Donnerstag, 27. März 2008

Wahrheitsbewegung: Die Nazis wollen Weltherrschaft


Knopp vergleicht Cruise mit Goebbels

Von Jens MaierDas Video erhitzt die Gemüter: Tom Cruise als fanatischer Scientology-Redner. Historiker Guide Knopp hat jetzt den Vergleich zu Joseph Goebbels Sportpalast-Rede gezogen. Und das ausgerechnet, wo Cruise demnächst im Kino einen Widerstandskämpfer spielen soll.


Truth for Germany
By Udo Walendy. Has been banned by the German government but is available in the U.S. Correspondence and dispatches among Roosevelt, Churchill and other politicians clearly paint a disturbing picture of Allied intentions toward the German nation before the outbreak of hostilities.#0001a 530 pages hardback.
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Truth for Germany (Softcover)
By Udo Walendy. Has been banned by the German government but is available in the U.S. Correspondence and dispatches among Roosevelt, Churchill and other politicians clearly paint a disturbing picture of Allied intentions toward the German nation before the outbreak of hostilities. #1530 pages Paperback. Item #1 530 pages.
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Buchliste englische Bücher

Buch Metan
Countdown to media freedom conference with Alan Johnston
Alan Johnston, former BBC corrrespondent in Gaza, recently held hostage, will speak on the problems of reporting conflict at a major NUJ conference, 'New Threats to Media Freedom – how we fight back' on 26 January. Building on the success of the union's Journalism Matters campaign, the conference, sponsored by NUJ London Freelance Branch, is aimed at journalists, broadcasters, media campaigners, media students and academics. Sessions will cover the mounting political and commercial pressures on journalists, the crisis at the BBC, secrecy and censorship, and bias in war reporting.
Alan Johnston will lead a line-up of speakers including Martin Bright, political editor of the New Statesman; BBC Newsnight correspondent Paul Mason, Peter Wilby, former editor of the Independent on Sunday, Heather Brooke, specialist on the Freedom of Information Act and Jo Glanville of Index on Censorship.
How media unions around the world are resisting controls and defending standards will be covered in presentations by NUJ general secretary Jeremy Dear, Chris Frost of the NUJ Ethics Council, BECTU president Tony Lennon and leader of the International Federation of Journalists Aidan White.
The conference is being organised with the support of the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (CPBF).
It will take place on Saturday 26 January 2008 from 9.30am-4.30pm at NUJ headquarters, 308 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1. We regret that there are no more places available for this event.

Wrote email to them with Synagogue recommendation

Milk in USA

The Secret Empire, Part ICushman Cunningham$19.95
Softcover, 410 pages. The sinister forces behind world conquest and revolution. Most Americans are not aware that the same hidden powers which lured us into invading Iraq have tricked us into many other wars, nor that this same hidden power has stolen our industry, our banking, our press and our media. . . and whose hidden hand rules us all. Quantity:{59687A78-D227-4513-B645-D02F6DD6BE92}

AFP American Free Press

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